How is high blood pressure treated?


Table of Contents

Healthy Lifestyle

Running shoesA healthy lifestyle is very important to lower blood pressure. For some people, healthy choices such as a low salt diet, regular exercise, and/or losing weight can lower blood pressure as much as a medication!

See Healthy Choices You Can Make for more information on how a healthy lifestyle can lower your blood pressure.


Hand holding pillMany adults, including young adults, need blood pressure medication, in addition to a healthy lifestyle to lower blood pressure.

See here for a downloadable list of questions you can ask your doctor about blood pressure medication. (This file will open in PDF format. You can download a free PDF reader here.)

Continuing a healthy lifestyle, even with medication, will lower the amount of medication you may need now and in the future. Weight gain can increase the amount of medicine you need over time.

Work with your healthcare provider to develop a plan to lower your blood pressure that works for you!