HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project
HIP investigators are UW faculty committed to working with HIP to achieve the integration of healthcare research and practice change within and beyond Wisconsin. HIP investigators have an active research program that addresses critical issues for health care delivery, and work with HIP staff to disseminate and implement their new innovations to improve health across Wisconsin. For more information, see our Projects page.
In addition to HIP investigators, HIP has many UW affiliated faculty who participate in our grant writing groups and collaborative working groups.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Rheumatology
Dr. Christie Bartels seeks to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce disparities for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Through their Connect Health interventions, her research program investigates how the collaboration among specialists, primary care, and public health resources affects management of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors in at-risk patients. Additionally, her team is currently developing measures of lupus retention in care aimed at ultimately reducing health disparities in lupus care using approaches from HIV. Dr. Bartels has been an invited expert on national and international rheumatology panels. She also serves on several American College of Rheumatology (ACR) national committees and chairs the ACR Health IT Research and Publications Subcommittee.
Site Search; Publications; BP Connect Project; Quit Connect Health Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine – Infectious Disease
Dr. Brennan’s clinical and research expertise focus on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on 1) rural disparities in major amputations, 2) gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and 3) improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders. She has previously received funding from the Wisconsin Multidisciplinary K12 Research Career Development program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the NIDDK supported program: PLUS. In partnership with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging and the Community Academic Aging Research Network, Dr. Brown’s research team developed a community-based program that improves bladder and bowel continence in older women. Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is the only continence promotion program in the country that has been reviewed by the National Council on Aging and deemed eligible for inclusion in the evidence-based pre-approved list of programs eligible to be supported by U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) Title III-D or other applicable discretionary funding from ACL
Site Search; Publications; Addressing Incontinence in Older Women Project
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences
Dr. Burns is a health services researcher whose work concerns the interplay between public health insurance design, health care policy, and health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. Her current research projects include an examination of the role of Medicaid coverage on post-incarceration health and reincarceration outcomes; an evaluation of providing parity-consistent coverage in Medicaid on mental health and substance use disorder treatment use; and the development and assessment of common metrics for opioid use disorder treatment prevalence and quality within a multi-state Medicaid research network.
Assistant Professor and Division Chief, Department of Pediatrics – Hospital Medicine and Pediatric Complex Care
Dr. Coller’s research agenda is to develop interventions to improve family-centered outcomes for children with medical complexity, with a focus on eliminating hospitalizations. His research program’s long-term goal is to create a high-quality, safe, seamless experience across the healthcare continuum for children with chronic and complex conditions. Dr. Coller is currently a steering committee member and project leader for the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs National Network.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Cox’s research program, PROKids, leverages the voices of children and families to deliver safer, higher quality pediatric care. With funding from NIH, AHRQ and PCORI, her portfolio of work includes multiple successful pragmatic trials conducted within pediatric care systems as well as the development, validation and assessment of patient-centered outcomes. For example, her successful redesign of family-centered rounds in children’s hospitals increased patient safety and family engagement; a current study has engaged children with type 1 diabetes and their parents to tailor diabetes self-management resources to the unique needs of each child and family.
Site Search; Publications; The Family-Centered Rounds Checklist Project; Helping Youth & Families with Diabetes Self-Management Project
Director of National Initiatives and Associate Clinical Professor, Law School
Rachel Grob is a sociologist whose career has been devoted to investigating patients’ experiences with health and health care, and to involving them in the discourse, policy processes, and institutional arrangements which impact that care. She is the Director of National Initiatives and Clinical Professor at the UW Law School’s Center for Patient Partnerships; serves as the Qualitative Research Lead for the award-winning, internationally-vetted Database of Individual Patient Experience (DIPEx) initiative in the United States; and leads a mixed-methods portfolio of projects focused on the science of eliciting, synthesizing, and amplifying diverse patients’ voices.
Site Search; Publications; Bringing Patients’ Voices to American Healthcare Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Liu is the Founder and Director of the UW Teleophthalmology Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, which has a goal of developing implementation strategies to increase diabetic eye screening rates and reduce preventable blindness. As a clinical glaucoma specialist, Dr. Liu seeks to enhance our understanding and management of glaucoma through novel imaging techniques, inter-disciplinary telemedicine collaborations, and clinical trials of new medications and surgical devices.
Site Search; Publications; UW Teleophthalmology Program; Preventing Blindness Project
Assistant Professor and Medical Director of Clinical Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Patterson’s research aims to use informatics approaches, including machine learning for risk stratification and computerized decision support, to improve older adults’ transitions to outpatient care following ED visits. His current research, funded by an AHRQ K08, aims to use these methodologies to identify older adults at high risk of falls and improve their care both in the ED and after discharge.
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Dr. Quanbeck’s research draws upon concepts from systems engineering in developing innovative approaches to the implementation of evidence-based practices in healthcare. His research focuses specifically on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders in primary care settings. Dr. Quanbeck has been the principal investigator on several grants from the NIDA and is currently conducting research funded by two R01s: one study, funded by the NIAAA investigates the use of mobile health technology among patients in primary care who have substance use disorders. The other study, funded by the NIDA uses systems consultation, an innovative blend of implementation strategies, to promote the use of clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing.
Site Search; Publications; Reducing Opioid Prescribing Project
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Ramly is a health systems engineer whose research focuses on designing best practices for ambulatory care, while balancing standardization and local adaptations. He aims to integrate clinical evidence, implementation strategies, and organizational processes to increase the chances of clinical innovations becoming routine practice.
Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Family Medicine & Community Health
Dr. Smith’s research program examines the effectiveness of our health care system for aging and chronically ill persons. Her leadership positions include the Director of the UW Health Innovation Program and Director of the Community Academic Partnerships core of the NIH-CTSA funded Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Site Search; Publications; Improving Diabetes Self-Management Project; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project; Reducing Disparities in Healthcare Project
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine – Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Dr. Weiss’s research focuses on colorectal cancer screening for both average-risk and high-risk populations. She has conducted a survey, funded by UW ICTR, of UW Health primary care providers to further understand potential sources of variation in colorectal cancer screening rates. This data was then used to design and implement multiple system-wide interventions that resulted in a 20% increase in UW Health’s screening rates. She has also been funded by the American Cancer Society to examine the impact of these multi-level interventions and develop a toolkit to guide other healthcare systems in their efforts to increase colorectal cancer screening. Her current project, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, expands her research to identify successful colorectal cancer screening strategies in rural and urban primary care clinics.
Site Search; Publications; Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Project
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Dr. Yu’s research focuses on biostatistics methodology and health services research. Dr. Yu’s clinical biostatistics interests include clinical biostatistics, causal inference, risk prediction, and treatment selection. He also studies statistical methodology related to health services research and chronic disease.
Site Search; Publications; Matching Complex Patients with Case Management Programs Project