Welcome to MyHEART


Young adults have trouble controlling their blood pressure. They have the lowest rates of blood pressure control (achieving a blood pressure <140>

Many young adults have reported having few resources to address their needs for heart health education.

To address these problems, the MyHEART program was developed. MyHEART has multiple components, including young adult education and research programs across multiple healthcare systems.

Our high blood pressure research program is in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin Health Innovation Program. We focus on increasing young adult self-management skills to promote heart healthy choices and lower blood pressure.

MyHEART Research Program

We are currently conducting a research study to better understand how to help young adults lower their blood pressure.

For more information on the study and how to participate, click here.

A free toolkit for clinicians, health care administrators, and other health advocates who are interested in using the MyHEART website within their organization is available here. It contains information and tools for promoting the use of MyHEART website, including posters, brochures, and sample social media and website posts.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the MyHEART program.